Below is a list of Companies that have changed their name, in the last 4 weeks (ending 27/07/2024).

Company Number Company Name Previous Name Date Changed
767306 Cimsa Ireland Limited
Mint Bidco Limited 04/07/2024
767393 Digitisation Process Nominees Limited
Digitisation Bidco Limited 08/07/2024
767114 Kevin Street Interiors Limited
Kevin Steet Interiors Limited 01/07/2024
767942 Kocak Limited
Yeeet Limited 17/07/2024
767196 Shortall Livestock Limited
Shortall Lifestock Limited 04/07/2024
768243 Thrivehive Limited
Thrive Hive Limited 23/07/2024

There are 6 companies in the above list.

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Identify to Comply: Better PEP Checks for AML Compliance


A politically exposed person (PEP) is an individual who has been entrusted with a prominent public function...

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A review of Q1, as Q2 comes to a close


There are a number of ways to look at the performance of the Irish economy in Q1, and as Q2 comes to a close, it seems a good opportunity to reflect and get ready to draw comparisons where necessary...

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How well do you know the geography of Ireland's businesses?


How well do you know the geography of Ireland's businesses?

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The mixed state of Ireland's economy


In Quarter 1 of 2024, we have seen the most company closures when compared with the same period to the 3 years prior

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