Company Summary

Original Flavours Ireland Limited was set up on Tuesday the 10th of January 2023. Their current partial address is Dublin 18, and the company status is Strike Off Listed. The company's current director has been the director of 0 other Irish companies. Original Flavours Ireland Limited has 2 shareholders.

Company Name:Original Flavours Ireland Limited
Company Address:Apartment 409,
Sandyford Central, Sandyford Business Park,
Dublin, Dublin 18, Ireland
Key Executive:Mr Malone
Company Size:Log-In To View

Key Contact Profile

Mr Malone is a Company Director of Original Flavours Ireland Limited since 2023

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Latest Updates

The latest documents filed with the Companies Registration Office for Original Flavours Ireland Limited (which can include the Account Details) are listed below.

CRO DocumentEffective DateReceived By CROView Now
Form H15: Application for Voluntary strike-off 05/09/2024Join Up
Letter Of No Objection 05/09/2024Join Up
Advertisement 05/09/2024Join Up
Form B1C - Annual Return General10/07/202422/07/2024Join Up
FINANCIAL STATEMENT10/07/202422/07/2024Join Up

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Credit Report

View the Latest Credit Report and Credit Limit on Original Flavours Ireland Limited.

Company Status:Strike Off Listed
Latest Credit Movement:
Date of Last Movement:05/09/2024
Latest Accounts Filed:22/07/2024
Report Based on Accounts:31/12/2023
Next Set of Accounts Due:10/07/2025
Credit Score:Join-Up to View

Full Credit Rating

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Directors & Owners

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Directors details are available to logged in users.

Ownership Structure

Company Type:LTD - Private Company Limited By Shares
Number of Shareholders:2


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