- by Megan Gilmer on 30/04/2024

April 30th, at the 2024 ESG Summit in Croke Park, we are excited to announce that CRIF Vision-net will be launching our new service!

CRIF Vision-net can now provide you with an ESG score on every Irish company. This is the result of many years of research into this area. We're delighted to offer this new sustainability benchmark for companies to assess their customers, competitors, and suppliers.

Our innovation team are working hard to bring these ESG scores to our web service, Vision-net.ie. They'll be available in the months ahead, but in the meantime are available in an offline file. So if you'd like to know the ESG score of the companies you do business with, simply give us a call, or you can visit us at the ESG Summit, where we will have some great offers to celebrate our launch of ESG scores on every Irish company.

As a Vision-net user, give us the nod and for your entire monitoring list on Vision-net, we can deliver back a comprehensive score, based on the analysis of over 130 ESG metrics.

Benefits of ESG Scores

Know First:

Whether it is for reputational reasons or part of your sustainability strategy - it's better to minimize surprises and know first, and now you can.

Demonstrate a Commitment to Sustainability

ESG due diligence is now becoming a part of everyday life for most businesses. Our ESG scores make this so much easier.

Support Your ESG Strategy

By monitoring the ESG scores of your partners, you empower your team to make informed decisions that align with your sustainability goals.

Benchmarking Capabilities

Compare your company's sustainability performance with others in your network. Identify areas for improvement and set new standards.

Meet Compliance Obligations

Stay ahead of the curve by fulfilling upcoming compliance obligations related to sustainability reporting. Our ESG reporting tool ensures you're prepared for regulatory changes on the horizon. Positioning yourself as part of the solution and attracting like-minded partners.

To learn more about ESG Scores on Companies, get in touch with our team of experts. We would be delighted to tell you more, and discuss the options for your business, on solutions.vision-net@crif.com, or Tel: +353 1 906 2660.

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